Wednesday 2 February 2011

Owl Tree Updates

I'm still working on my comission work for the owl tree Poem, I'm aiming to make two large images or just as many as I can manage before Febuary. 

Since my own final major project is hopefully to involve illustrating a book (at least so far, thats the plan) I felt this commision could be useful to my project.
I must admitt I'm enjoying making small character drawings like this- There doesn't seem to be a limit to how many I can make! This one is the poor farmer for the poem.

The Poor Farmers wife.

Got inspired by a particular phrase in the poem- 'winter was on time' I started drawing a king, or mountain shape figure- perhaps not the most original idea but it seemed to turn out well.

I really wanted to decorate the poem in owls- but instead only managed one! The owl is an important part of the poem, its the main character.

And the rest of my drawings today are rough doodles of what I want to draw for the poem. I would have benefited from attending the one day bird drawing class but instead I had a one on one chat with Fig Taylor, Which I will mention again in another update.

I'm trying to come up with designs for the kings soldiers, the story is set during the 1800's and I wanted to try and be a little faithful to time era. I did start to get a little influenced by looking at 'Nut Cracker'
A very early drawing of one my planned larger images. It will hopefully look as close to the original sketch as I can possibly make it. 

I really like this one but its likely that I'll not be able to finish it within the time limit. It would be great to see it finished one day however.

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